Skylark Gran Sport
Welcome to a web site dedicated to the first Buick Skylark Gran Sport's and the engines that power them. Many of the pictures on this site have been taken from the web with the understanding of free use. The first generation of Buick Gran Sports have a small but loyal following. The engines that powered them, the infamous nailhead, has an even smaller following. I hope that through the use of this web-site, more of an interest will be displayed for both the cars and the engines that make them fly. Also As of January 1st 2012 this site will be updated and new pics of cars, stories and fun things will be added. Also a 1966 GS Registry will be reborn on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/?ref=tn_tnmn#!/pages/1966-Buick-GS-Registry/212035278833733 and you will be able to send pics and info of your 1966 GS's. We want to know how many are out there in garages, barns, fields all of them. If you have a 66 GS you want to sell or have nos or used parts for sale Contact Jim Shiels at 508-509-5471 cell EST email : The66gsnut@aol.com Collecting 1966 Skylark GS's Donations: If your looking to donate your 1966 GS to a good home please contact me...we can arrange for pick up... This site is best viewed at 800x600 resolution.. > Sign My Guestbook then View My Guestbook Last modified March 17, 2013 |